Obama will not solve Africa’s problems

Editor,Congratulations to President Obama. But Africans should know that Obama is for the well being of American people and he only has responsibility to serve them.

Friday, November 09, 2012

Editor,Congratulations to President Obama. But Africans should know that Obama is for the well being of American people and he only has responsibility to serve them. Why on this earth, should one say "Agaciro” and at the same time say that Obama will have to focus on Africa. Did any one of us vote for him?About Michelle Obama, the First Lady, to come and help African women, no way; we should help ourselves and be reminded that America has more than 300 million people out of whom 52 per cent are women and many of them in need of Michelle Obama; so charity begins at home please! Let us work hard and be productive; did you notice that only in Africa some people even decided to have a holiday because Obama had won election when in America itself and Washington DC business went on as usual! Africa needs to wake up.Kanyana, Nyarugenge--------------------------------------Editor,Let us hope President Obama will not continue to push for war and interference in Africa as he did in his first term. I hope his cooperation with Africa during his last term in office will be based on mutual understanding and cooperation and not despising African Leaders.Sabin, Kigali(Reaction to a story about ‘Rwanda welcomes Obama victory’ published yesterday)