Why men with unhappy wallets make most noise

Guys it’s legal and a little ok for you to blow all the money you’ve toiled for the whole year, plus a bank loan, in one night if you please, but its offensive and un-gentlemanly putting the blame on the ladie(s) you chopped it with.

Thursday, November 08, 2012
Martin bishop

Guys it’s legal and a little ok for you to blow all the money you’ve toiled for the whole year, plus a bank loan, in one night if you please, but its offensive and un-gentlemanly putting the blame on the ladie(s) you chopped it with.I’m I the only one that finds it unfair calling a lady a ‘detoother’ or other sorts of degrading names, when it’s the man who picked up the phone, called a lady, set a date time and venue, which is probably in an expensive place.  And when a fat dinner bill bruises their skinny wallet and maybe the lady smells the broke-streak in them and terminates the sorry relationship, the guy was trying to forge, the man turns their wrath on her and start calling her names. Sometime back I found a guy in the ‘Gents’ of a Kigali hang-out sobbing like he had lost a blood-relative or like the doctor had just broken some awful news like, "I’m sorry the cancer has spread and there’s nothing we can do can do about it” but on listening closely, he was lamenting how he has blown all the loan-money in just one sitting with strange babes.I didn’t waste any tissue on the loser; I just hummed a happy melody as I enjoyed answering natures call and left the lousy guy punching the innocent walls. These are the types that go around painting ladies the darkest shade of black, saying that they are materialists, money minded, gold-diggers and other heaps of demeaning names.Failing to understand that being broke is not a permanent situation unless of course you chose it to be, these type even stoop to all-time lows and go telling whoever chooses to listen how they ‘did’ it with the girl in the picture or how she is running after him.Besides tarnishing these ladies names, they are also an embarrassing to some of us (men) who can afford settling dinner bills with a smile and even leave tips. In fact, some of us have no problem letting our ladies know we are not financially muscled enough to go for a romantic candle-light dinner at a 5-star place but will be comfortable selecting a decent pocket friendly joint to chill from.Many women these days work and earn some good money, their problem is not grilled chicken and bottles of piña coladas. So when she agrees to meet you for a date don’t mistaken her for a needy starved individual; I know a good number of financially independent women who are more than glad to share or even foot the whole bill only if the man would let them.So Mr. Skinny Wallet, get a life! Instead of embarrassing yourself, I suggest if you can’t stand the heat, you should get out of the kitchen real quick. And you should remember bad-mouthing people won’t make your malnourished, sorry wallet any healthier. Get your acts together as a man you are supposed to be.  Pause dating ‘button’ (because it’s actually not easy dating when you’re broke) and then get a grip on your financial situation.  The other pieces of the jig-saw puzzle will naturally fall in the their designated places.