Liar liar pants on fire!

Lying is bad or so we are told constantly. “Honesty is the best- the truth shall set you free”. I chopped down the cherry tree, blah blah blah! Whatever! People do not listen!

Thursday, November 08, 2012
Alinda Lillian Munanura

Lying is bad or so we are told constantly. "Honesty is the best- the truth shall set you free”. I chopped down the cherry tree, blah blah blah! Whatever! People do not listen!Well I cannot help but wonder if the Ugandan Prime Minister, Amama Mbabazi also teaches his kids those moralistic values- do not lie, do not steal. They must sound really like gibberish to him. But that is just a random thought.Speaking of liars, I was a witness to one of the greatest lies ever told in the history of commitment. Before I get ahead of myself, let me walk you through the life of a single girl and how singleness can be a blessing in disguise. When you are single and all your friends start getting married (like my friends are) every wedding invitation presents a strange moment of self-evaluation.Will you be attending the wedding with a date or will you be attending alone? I guess what the invitation is really asking you is- will you be seated next to your boyfriend or are you going with the hope that the peg boy will notice you. Ok fine- the best man.Anyway, as I sat quietly at the gusaba, lost in a world of my own - scrolling through the names in my phonebook- thinking to myself, who should I go with to the wedding? I detected some sort of panic, something was wrong. In a period of an hour the bride to be and her mother had paced around so much that they had covered approximately 2000 miles.Gossip is the foundation of my friendship with all my friends including the bride and now it was her turn to be gossiped about, I quickly put my journalistic skills to work and went to find out what was happening.What I found out was devastating; the groom was supposed to have showed up an hour ago and his mobile phone was off. The coward did her dirty! He never showed up- I can tell you now that I have never been happier about being single and remaining single for that matter.But I ask this not to insult anyone but more to understand how thick men can be- why is it so hard to tell the chick that you are not ready to commit instead of chickening out on the last minute? Hopeless coward!I love karma but I would never wish for my enemy to go through that sort of embarrassment. I promised I would not write about this but like I said gossip is the foundation of our friendship and she would have done the same!