Once a liar always a liar?

There is a myth; apparently getting an honest man is harder than nailing glue to a tree. When I forwarded this little information to a couple of male friends, they swore on their lives and the lives of everyone they know that women are ninja’s when it comes to lying.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

There is a myth; apparently getting an honest man is harder than nailing glue to a tree. When I forwarded this little information to a couple of male friends, they swore on their lives and the lives of everyone they know that women are ninja’s when it comes to lying. They had detailed accounts of the lies women tell, claiming their own were only things they said to avoid a confrontation. Sometimes, I believe that love (sweet as it is) is seriously problematic.Love makes us do things we normally wouldn’t tolerate - you love your partner, so you find yourself forgiving his lies the first time, perhaps the second and third time as well, before you realise you are just involved with a liar.However, because you see your whole world in this person’s eyes, it is not easy for you to break away, even though there’s a little voice telling you it’s for the best. You hang on, with the hope that things will change and believe that there is honesty hidden in him somewhere. You then start lying to yourself that he is a good person and deep down he loves you- and that your relationship is wonderful and perfect- except when he lies. Your friends think you are crazy but you don’t care, you are in love. You will make all sorts of excuses for him just to make yourself feel better about staying with someone you know is feeding you with lie after lie. It was only a little lie, well – a lie is a lie, no matter the size! Look at it this way: if your partner can lie so easily over little things that are unnecessary to lie about, then be damn sure that he will lie to you about bigger things.Ask yourself, is being lied to your idea of love and respect?I know that when you are in love with someone, it is not always easy to ask and answer these logical questions, but you have to.Is that really your ideal relationship? Is that even healthy? Will it ever stop? What will it take to get a little integrity? Ask yourself these questions. Ask yourself if you really deserve that. If you think it’s under control and that you can handle it, then do your thing. However, just so you know, lying is never under control, on the contrary, it spirals out of control the more it’s practiced.I would advise you to sit him down and demand to know why he finds it necessary to lie to you but he’ll without a doubt find another lie to get out of the conversation. The simple truth is, you don’t need that. I don’t care if the myth is true and that finding an honest man IS really harder than nailing glue to a tree.Wait for a man who at least understands the word ‘honesty’. Good things don’t come easy.