
Why did the hen cross the road?To prove she wasn’t chicken!What do you call a man with a tree growing out of his head?Ed-ward!

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Why did the hen cross the road?To prove she wasn’t chicken!What do you call a man with a tree growing out of his head?Ed-ward! How do you stop a head cold going to your chest?Easy - tie a knot in your neck! Why shouldn’t you try to swim on a full stomach?Because it’s easier to swim on a full swimming pool! What creature sticks to the bottom of sheep ships?Baaa-nacles! How do you know if your little brother is turning into a fridge?See if a little light comes on whenever he opens his mouth! What is the coldest part of the North Pole?An explorer’s nose! What do computer operators eat for lunch?Chips! Why is that man standing in the sink?He’s a tap dancer! Where do rabbits learn to fly?In the Hare Force!