Traffic accidents drop by 2.5 per cent

The country registered a 2.5 percent reduction in the number of road accidents this year, compared to last year, according head of traffic department at Rwanda National Police.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012
A traffic officer with a speed gun. Police believes the equipment has played a vital role in the reduction of accidents. The New Times / File.

The country registered a 2.5 percent reduction in the number of road accidents this year, compared to last year, according head of traffic department at Rwanda National Police.Figures availed by Chief Supt Vincent Sano, the commandant of traffic police indicate that in total, 4,185 accidents were recorded in 2012 with 2,161 of them minor and 819 severe. In 2011, over 4,293 accidents were registered with 3,446 of them minor and 847 serious. On average, this year, the country recorded two major accidents and another 12 to 15 minor ones daily. A total of 277 traffic accidents were reported across the country during the first three months of the year with 72 percent of them in Kigali, according to statistics in the report. The traffic police report further cites the main causes of road accidents in the country as over speeding, reckless driving and drunk driving.Sano attributed the decrease to the rise in the number of traffic police officers, which has shot up by 20 percent. He said that the National Police has further equipped traffic police officers with modern equipment to facilitate them to effectively man the country’s roads. Sano said the traffic police had intensified efforts to further curb road accidents, citing the annual national road safety campaign that is slated to start on November 18.The Road Safety Week is aimed at creating awareness on road security. The event also seeks to reinforce normal traffic management operations, according to Sano.Some of the activities to be carried out during the week include awareness campaigns among all road users, especially the youth, drivers and public transport firms.Sano said the number of road accidents usually go up during the festive season, hence the decision to mark the safety week in November."There are many traffic accidents when approaching the festive season. The rainy season also has an effect on traffic flow and increases the risk of accidents, which is why we have decided to have the road safety week this month,” he explained.He called upon the public to report instances of reckless driving and take the initiative to inform drivers to fully observe traffic rules.