Government evaluates district dev’t forums

In spite of its contribution to the country’s social and economic transformation, there is need for the Joint Action Development Forum (JADF) to contribute to wealth creation.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Head of Cooperation at the Dutch Embassy Jolke Oppewal and Minister James Musoni at the JADF meeting. The New Times / J. Mbanda.

In spite of its contribution to the country’s social and economic transformation, there is need for the Joint Action Development Forum (JADF) to contribute to wealth creation. The remarks were made by the Minister of Local Government, James Musoni, on Monday during a high level meeting on the JADF programme review in Kigali."You must consider wealth creation because our aim is socio-economic transformation so that the community has the capacity to solve their own problems. You must now prioritise programmes that lead to wealth creation,” said the minister.Musoni said the level of development in the country was ripe for business and wealth creation to uplift the standards of living of the population.The JADF mechanism was established by the government in 2007 as a consultative forum bringing together district development stakeholders for participatory planning, dialogue, dissemination of information and increase synergy among key stakeholders for effective citizen participation and community development. It brings together representatives from civil society, private and public sector, local and international NGOs, local authorities, faith-based organisations and cooperatives. Some of the key implementers of the JADF mechanism include the Rwandan Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA), the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) and Rwanda Governance Board."JADF worked well for us. It supported decentralisation, promoted good governance practices. We are happy with its achievements and we are committed to taking it further to the next level,’’ Musoni said.He pointed out that before its establishment; duplication of activities among different development partners was prevalent.Musoni said that in the past, development partners ignored remote areas of the country, but today, courtesy of JADF, they target areas that have a need including remote areas.   The deputy Director General of Rwanda Governance Board in charge of decentralisation and good governance promotion, Ambassador Fatuma Ndangiza, called for close collaboration between district advisory councils and JADF as the former represent the interests of the citizenry.Speaking on behalf of the implementers, the SNV country director, Phomolo Maphosa said JADF had registered significant successes.She cited such feats as improved accountability and transparency of local service providers to the communities they serve, building of synergy among stakeholders to avoid duplication, improved open dialogue and exchange on development issues, among others.Initially, JADF operated in five districts but currently has representatives in all the country’s 30 districts.According to Maphosa, best practices and good experiences should be documented among JADF members and study tours conducted as a way of learning from one another.She cited Butaro Hospital in Burera District as an example of a project set up through collaborative efforts of several partners including Clinton Foundation, Ministry of Health, Partners in Health and Burera District.Olivier Fayida of JADF in Kirehe District echoed Maphosa’s views, saying the forum had brought about transparency."Now the activities and contribution of each partner are well known in our district. Nine partners allocate funds to the district budget with each of them identifying the needs before planning,” said Fayida.Maphosa noted that some local organisations lack adequate capacities to ensure equal   participation and voice, saying more efforts are still needed to make JADF instrumental to achieve local economic development in a participatory manner.Participants pointed out lack of awareness on JADF among citizens as a key concern, yet they ought to have a significant contribution in the process.A five year JADF strategic plan (2013-2018) is already in place with a vision to see active Rwandan communities participate in sustainable and inclusive local development, driven by mutual accountability.