500 miss national exams

The State Minister for Primary and Secondary Education, Dr. Mathias Harebamungu has revealed that because of various reasons five hundred pupils and students will not sit this year’s national primary and O’level examinations.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

The State Minister for Primary and Secondary Education, Dr. Mathias Harebamungu has revealed that because of various reasons five hundred pupils and students will not sit this year’s national primary and O’level examinations.While officiating at the commencement of this year’s Primary Leaving Examinations at Centre Scholaire De Nyange B in Ngororero District, Western Province, Harebamungu who didn’t give give details also cautioned schools against denying students exams for fear of recording poor performance in the national exams.    The warning followed reports that some teachers bar students from sitting for exams for fear of recording failures.Addressing the candidates from three primary schools, Harebamungu said he had visited the centre to wish the candidates good luck."We wanted to meet candidates upcountry so that they don’t think that we are based in towns only, each candidate should be enabled to make it to  secondary next year,”  Over 180 candidates from Centre Scolaire Nyange B, Groupe Scolaire Kigali and Centre Scolaire Giko all from Ngororero district sat from the centre.He urged the parents, teachers and students to work hand in hand to assure that quality education is available to all Rwandans.Candidates expressed their readiness for exams and optimism to succeed in exams.  "I have revised and I am not afraid to sit for exams, my weakness is in English but I hope to pass,” said Diane Umwali a candidate from GS Kigali.The Head teacher of SC Nyange B, Sister Adélaide Nyirambabazi, said that teachers have done their best to prepare their pupils for the exams.