Genocide suspects can hide but can’t run forever

Editor,This world is unfair. This man Modeste Kennedy Hakizimana should be arrested and arraigned in Court. It is sad to hear that human rights laws are protecting such people.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Editor,This world is unfair. This man Modeste Kennedy Hakizimana should be arrested and arraigned in Court. It is sad to hear that human rights laws are protecting such people.

Hakizimana is lucky. He even has time to explain his innocence in court unlike others who were killed during the genocide. Many were young and others unborn. But I know no matter how long it takes, this man will face the rule of law. You cannot kill and go unpunished forever.Alline, Kigali (Response to a story ‘Genocide suspect works as taxi driver in Britain’ The NewTimes, November, 5)