We don’t need another war in the region

Editor,Allow me to respond to this story about a shoot out between DRC and Rwanda armies. I think the leadership in Democratic Republic of Congo should try its best and stop provoking Kigali leadership.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Editor,Allow me to respond to this story about a shoot out between DRC and Rwanda armies. I think the leadership in Democratic Republic of Congo should try its best and stop provoking Kigali leadership.

Crossing into another country’s territory is a sign of provocation which cannot be tolerated by any country. We don’t need another war in this region. War leads to suffering of innocent people and has never got any thing good in life. We should be talking about development and what the region can do to alleviate poverty other than fighting each other.James Rukundo, Gisenyi (Reaction to a story ‘DRC soldiers enter Rwanda, two killed in shoot out’ published on Monday)