School dropout rate reduces

Rwanda Education Board (REB) has revealed that the number of school drop-out has drastically reduced owing to the success rate of the nine year basic education programme.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Senator Therese Bishagara.

Rwanda Education Board (REB) has revealed that the number of school drop-out has drastically reduced owing to the success rate of the nine year basic education programme.Addressing a news conference last weekend, the in-charge of Education Quality Standards at REB, Janvier Gasana said over 90 percent of the students under the 9YBE have been enrolled into the 12 years Basic education.    The programme that was instituted in 2009 was aimed at reducing rate of secondary school drop outs, up to a time all children of school going age attend school in the country."The aim is, after ensuring provision of basic education to all Rwandans, the focus now will be on providing quality education and to consolidate the successes of the education sector under the 12 YBE programme.”The dropout in primary schools was 14.6 percent in 2007, 15.6% in 2008, 12.3percent in 2009 and 11.5 percent in 2010 for boys while for girls it was 13.1 percent in 2007, 14.7 percent in 2008, 12.2 percent in 2009 and 11.3 percent in 2010.  Dropout rates currently stand at 11.4 percent for primary school and 7.5 percent for secondary school.When the nine year basic education was introduced in 2009, it was done to ensure that after primary school, they at least attend the first classes of secondary school.To make this a success, a partnership was formed between government and communities, and the latter responded by actively getting involved in construction of classrooms that would later accommodate students under the programme.The new classrooms were constructed at primary schools to ensure that the students do not encounter the problem of having to travel long distance.Government provided construction materials and subsequently, over 3,000 classrooms and related facilities were constructed.Statistics from REB indicate that in 2011, over 77,000 students completed under the programme senior and 74,423 enrolled in senior four, a major shift from the previous years where there was a big number of drop outs.There was however no statistics to back the above statement.Gasana hailed the general public for outstanding support towards the 12YBE construction classrooms by providing manpower and other useful assistance."We are now under pressure to provide scholastic materials, and ensuring teachers’ quarters at school premises,” he said. Over1723 classrooms and 413 teachers’ houses are under construction.According to REB, more classrooms are needed to reduce the burden of walking long distances. In a related development has announced that primary school national exams will commence on Tuesday.