“Books are the compasses and telescopes and sextants and charts which other men have prepared to help us navigate the dangerous seas of human life’’ Jesse Lee Bennett.
"Books are the compasses and telescopes and sextants and charts which other men have prepared to help us navigate the dangerous seas of human life’’ Jesse Lee Bennett.This quotation speaks volumes about the importance of books and reading. Perhaps it was against such conviction that the International Book Day was established to be celebrated on 23rd, April every year.
The origins of the book day celebrations that started in the UK and Ireland came from Catalonia, where roses and books were given as gifts to loved ones on St. George’s Day – a tradition started over 90 years ago! Owing to its benefits and significance in terms of knowledge construction and development, UNESCO took it up and declared the day a global event.
This most celebrated event is marked in over 100 countries around the globe, with exception of a few countries including Rwanda! It is usually celebrated in partnership with publishers, booksellers and interested parties who work together to promote books and reading for the personal enrichment and growth as well as promoting knowledge. In addition, the International Book Day is designed to inspire and promote a culture of reading among children and adults across societies.
In some countries reading and books are daily cerebrations to discover the joy of books! Books are invaluable sources of history, good custodians of culture (if the information is documented), and source of entertainment and are very inspirational. Also on this day, authors and illustrators, librarians and teachers who make these tools of wisdom (books) available to readers are honored. In short it’s a day set aside to appreciate the beauty of knowledge. Other countries have gone further to introduce book week festivals to be part of school calendar.
During this time, various activities like inter school debates, writing competitions, reading competitions, quiz competitions characterise such a festival. Apart from developing knowledge such events promote cooperation and friendship among schools and students. It’s from such activities and events that we develop a generation of free and creative thinkers. Given the reforms that our education system has under gone in the recent years including the shift from using French to using English as medium of instruction in class.
Needless to mention that, although this shift offers a lot of benefits to Rwanda in long run, in the short run its implementation faces a number of challenges notably teachers coping with the new language of instructions.Given such challenges, one strategy to overcome them would be increased cooperation and collaboration amongst many stake holders in education. Celebrating such events like international book day, literacy day, and international children book day among others, would offer such opportunities. If the ministry of Education is to reap big from Public-Private partnership, then such dates should be earmarked on its calendar.
Its then that the private sector including the Publishers and other corporations that would come in to sponsor some of events mentioned above. Again as already mentioned, in Rwanda we need such events into the limelight because it will be one way that will help us cope with the reforms mentioned above.
Another reason why the Ministry of Education should popularize books is that it will help to build and instill the culture of reading among the children/students at an early age. Experts say that although one can take to reading at any age, it is much easier to begin at a young age and develop a love and passion for reading rather than forcing oneself to indulge in this at a later age in life. Although we call on the Ministry of Education to take the lead in developing and promoting awareness of this noble cause, all the concerned should come in to make Rwanda a knowledge based society as one of the pillars of vision 2020 stipulates.
In mean time parents, head teachers, teachers and other stakeholders in education would do well to inculcate the culture of reading and value of books in children from a very young age and that will prove to be in good stead for the years to come. The Pearl of wisdom is in books and reading! The author is an educationist, author and publisher.