Withdraw of troops from Somalia is bad news....

Editor, I agree with our African brothers (Ugandans) over withdrawing from peace keeping mission because of the malicious UN reports.

Monday, November 05, 2012
Ugandan peacekeepers in Somalia. Net photo.

Editor,I agree with our African brothers (Ugandans) over withdrawing from peace keeping mission because of the malicious UN reports. But in my opinion, this act will be a big disappointment to Somalis. African elites have fallen into a trap of these so-called "experts”. What do I mean here? Withdrawing from Somalia means that the Somali army may be over run by Al-shabab and the whole East African coast is going to turn into chaos again. That means creating job sfor the same "experts” to create more malicious reports. Please Ugandans, you are there for Somalis. You are not there for praises from the western experts. I may support your withdraw if these reports were from Somalis. Would be happy If you remained there for the noble cause (security of our Somali brothers). JB, EA-----------------------------------------Editor, I fully support Uganda’s decision on this issue. Why put the lives of your sons and daughters at risk for the global common good while the self-appointed decision-makers for the world community sent their wrong people to malign your good name on fabricated grounds? Yes, Somalis will be the greatest losers from this decision. But why should Uganda carry the burden for the entire global community when her sacrifice counts for so little with that same community? Of course, the bureaucrats behind the report accusing Uganda and Rwanda of supporting DRC mutineers won’t face any fallout from their adventurism, but Uganda’s decision is the only way to send the message to United Nations(UN), that some African countries are not prepared to continue to be their docile punching bags. Mwene KalindaJkalinda@gmail.com(Reaction to a story ‘Ugandan troops to quit Somalia published November, 3.)