More funds needed to build capacity

The executive secretary of the Public Sector Capacity Building Secretariat (PSCBS) Stella Ford Mugabo has pointed out that despite the body’s enormous task to enhance the skills of public servants in line with the national development agenda, it continues to face financial constraints.

Monday, November 05, 2012

The executive secretary of the Public Sector Capacity Building Secretariat (PSCBS) Stella Ford Mugabo has pointed out that despite the body’s enormous task to enhance the skills of public servants in line with the national development agenda, it continues to face financial constraints.Mugabo made the remarks yesterday during a meeting to raise awareness about her organisations activities."Money to fund capacity building is still minimal. There is a need for more,” she said."We had a budget of Rwf21 billion for the 2011-2012 fiscal year but this was revised to Rwf 19 billion. Ultimately, we ended up getting only Rwf7 billion.”Mugabo was, however, optimistic that more funds would be forthcoming.She said that the ministry of Finance and Economic Planning set aside a total of Rwf4 billion for PSCBS operations during the last fiscal year. She added that she was hopeful this would be increased to Rwf 11 billion.Due to the prevailing situation, the secretariat has been compelled to focus on four priority areas. These are agricultural production through the crop intensification, power generation, mining and promotion of investment.The secretariat’s roles aims at managing the national capacity building policies and harmonising capacity building in the public sector.Founded in 2009, PSCBS works hand in hand with other government institutions including the Rwanda Institute of Administration and Management "RIAM”, Rwanda Governance Board (RGB), and Rwanda Association of Local Governance Authority (RALGA).