It is time for Africa

Editor, With no where to turn, it has become inevitable that Africa is the global centre of attraction today. The world is looking at Africa for solutions.

Monday, November 05, 2012

Editor,With no where to turn, it has become inevitable that Africa is the global centre of attraction today. The world is looking at Africa for solutions. Consider the basic facts : Aging population in European Union, a country like Germany has no younger labor force, China will have almost half billion population in retirement in next 20 years in addition to a rising cost of manufacturing. Japan is declining due to labor force shrinkage as well. It doesn’t make economical sense to make things in North America anymore where the cost is ten folds higher than of other developed economies. The World is pointing the finger at Africa with huge resources, huge labor force,huge unexploited land, low gas emission constraints. Where are the Africans ? It is time for Africa, real one, unlike the 2010 South African World cup slogan.AR