Sector leader held over illegal sale of government trees

NYARUGURU-The Executive Secretary of Busanze Sector, Nyaruguru District, has been arrested and detained in connection with felling and selling public trees.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

NYARUGURU-The Executive Secretary of Busanze Sector, Nyaruguru District, has been arrested and detained in connection with felling and selling public trees.Louis Nyaminani, the leader was arrested on Wednesday alongside the district’s former forests officer, Laurent Ndikubawimana.Police confirmed the arrests and said the duo are being detained at Munini Police post.Ndikubwimana is the district forest officer in Rulindo District, Northern Province.Another suspect, the in-charge of forests at the sector level, Didier Ntakinezeza, is said to be on the run as police tries to apprehend him.According to security sources, the suspects’ dossier was on Thursday handed over to the prosecution.The crime is alleged to have been committed last June when the two leaders are said to have engaged in an illegal sale of state-owned trees following the government recommendation to cut down all hazardous trees on the roadside in order to prevent accidents."The Executive secretary alleges that he gave the trees to a local businessman – at no cost - to pave way for the setting up of electricity poles in the area, which is itself a crime”, Supt Hubert Gashagaza, the Police spokesperson in the southern region said.The businessman in question, identified as Simon Pierre Bikorimana, was also quizzed over the incident and later released, according to security source.According to Gashagaza, the leader is standing accused of misusing public property."There is no evidence of how the trees were felled, how the money generated from them was used and he did not report the incident to competent authority,” Supt Gashagaza insisted.He added: "We have been following the issue since it was reported in June but decided to apprehend the suspects this week after gathering enough evidence implicating them”.In an interview with this newspaper, the district mayor, Francois Habitegeko condemned the incident and said they cannot tolerate ‘leaders who abuse their responsibilities”."The executive secretary was the one supposed to champion the rule of law, but he preferred to fault it,” the Mayor said. "As a leader, he committed a serious crime and we cannot tolerate it”.If convicted, the suspects face up to two years imprisonment according to articles 416, 627 and 647 of Rwanda’s penal code.Article 627th, states: "Any person entrusted with authority to manage property of public interest belonging to an establishment, companies, private associations or organisations and uses such property for purposes other than what they are intended or contrary to the interests of such entities, their members and creditors shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of six (6) months to two (2) years and a fine of two (2) to five (5) times the value of the misused funds or one of these penalties”.Louis Nyaminani, had been serving in the local leadership since 2006. He served as the Executive Secretary of Ruramba sector (2006- 2008) and the Ruheru sector (2008-2012), both in Nyaruguru District.He has been at the helm of Busanze sector since early this year.According to local leaders, the sector’s Civil Status official, Philippe Rugombangabo, has taken  over as district officer.