Redefining youth entrepreneurship through financing

All students deserve a world-class, well-rounded education that provides effective instruction across various academic areas. And entrepreneurship is an integral aspect of this complete education as we meet the goal of ensuring that Rwandans graduate at every institutional level ready for career success.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

All students deserve a world-class, well-rounded education that provides effective instruction across various academic areas. And entrepreneurship is an integral aspect of this complete education as we meet the goal of ensuring that Rwandans graduate at every institutional level ready for career success.However, young people, as creative and energetic as they are, are hampered by lack of start-up capital.Access to finance has always proved to be a handicap in terms of translating skills gained into something substantial.Worse still, financial institutions will for eternity ask for collateral. In any case, they are profit making ventures.Hence, the Ministry of Public Service and Labour’s recent decision to facilitate the funding of beneficiaries of the entrepreneurship development skills programme could not have come at a better time.It is a fact that most of the newly created jobs in Rwanda come from new companies hence the need to ensure that these crop of talented youth are nurtured to become high-growth entrepreneurs.But in order to put this commitment into action, there is need for this sort of impetus to promote our youthful entrepreneurs.When they are funded, it will not only be a guarantee to make them rigorous, relevant, and engaging, but it would create the possibility to unleash and cultivate creative energies and talents among others.Ultimately, this should definitely set the stage for our future economic growth and competitiveness.