DRC must stop blame games

Editor,“All countries should support DRC to exert control and authority in this country and I know this is what President Kabila and all Great Lakes countries wish as well,” Wendy Sherman, the US under Secretary General for Political Affairs said this week.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Editor,"All countries should support DRC to exert control and authority in this country and I know this is what President Kabila and all Great Lakes countries wish as well,” Wendy Sherman, the US under Secretary General for Political Affairs said this week.The envoy should then advise the DRC to settle down and allow countries including Rwanda to support them instead of trading blame games. They should first accept the problem as their own, which will then facilitate them to get a sustainable solution to help them assert authority in this region. The solution should include good governance.Seth, Kigali********************************************Editor,Seth, you are spot on. Outsiders can help President Joseph Kabila and his government resolve this conflict only when he recognises the fact that the problem has its roots in the country’s governance and the absence of effective state authority in eastern Congo. The Kinshasa regime’s continuous attempts to shift blame for the consequences of its own failures are not conducive to encourage the country’s neighbors get involved in helping the parties in the conflict given the fact that Kabila’s government is turning such altruistic assistance on their heads and instead claim them as proof of support to the M23 mutineers by Kigali or Kampala.Unless the US and other major powers can give guarantee that such assistance will not be misinterpreted by Kinshasa regime and its allies such as HRW.Mwene Kalinda(Reaction to a story ‘Kagame receives US under Secretary Wendy Sherman’ published November, 1.)