Customise your decor with a personal touch

 There’s nothing as good as having touch in your interior décor. There is a calming effect when you walk into familiar territory, and feel you know a little about the bits and pieces of the décor.There are a few things that can help you add a touch of your personality in your décor to any room in your house.

Friday, November 02, 2012
Make it simple and colourful.

There’s nothing as good as having touch in your interior décor. There is a calming effect when you walk into familiar territory, and feel you know a little about the bits and pieces of the décor.There are a few things that can help you add a touch of your personality in your décor to any room in your house.The use of special arts as a focal pointMany people love collecting objects and art pieces. Collect things that have special meaning to you, pens, ashtrays, masks, musical instruments, or even hats. You can use these collectibles as the theme in your décor, depending on the room that you will choose. The center of the image should be at eye level. You can always choose colors, patterns, and fabrics to highlight the collection.Memorabilia In every home there is usually one unique antique or piece of memorabilia that was either passed down in generation or one that has a special meaning. You can gather together a few other items to support the memorabilia, re-arrange the furniture, and focus the lighting towards that special piece so that it becomes the focal point. Theme Never decorate a room before you choose a theme. It could be industrial, floral, bright and bold, or serene. Gather together things that will reinforce the theme and decorate the whole room around them.It could be garden, cartoons or marine. For as long as it works for you, then go with it and make your dream a reality.SouvenirsPeople who always travel have good chances of collecting souvenirs; these can be used to decorate the room. You can decide to choose colors that highlight the area of travel and select wall coverings and fabrics to expand on and reinforce the theme.ColoursThere is nothing that beats décor like the choice of your favorite colours, for the scheme to be used in your home. It is always advised to choose your colours with the guide of a colour chart; otherwise you might choose something that you don’t like.the best way to work with the coours is by selecting different shades to work with different items like furniture and walls.Be creativeMuch as interior décor has very few rules to follow, is allowed to create something personal for your room. Some people use their palms to make some patterns on the wall, others use their shoes and bags to hang them as decorative items, whichever way that suits you-just go with the flow; this will reflect your personality.Family photosDon’t we all love family photos? Collect several generations of family photos. Frame them to match or coordinate the colours. They look very attractive when arranged on a main or plain wall to create a gallery of some sort. Memories last forever and these pictures will surely tell a story to that effect.It is never too late to change anything, if you feel you want to add that personal touch to your décor, then so be it – just make sure it is something that will bring a smile to your lips and total satisfaction.