When bad is good!

At some point in high school, many people go through a ‘religious phase’. Many times, towards the national exam, there is an epidemic of salvation spreading through the candidates’ classes. If a study were to be conducted a few months down the road, one would be amazed at how quickly and completely people recovered from the ‘salvation phase’.

Friday, November 02, 2012
Research has shown that fighting, whether verbally or physically goes a long way in helping reduce bottled up tensions. The New Times / File.

At some point in high school, many people go through a ‘religious phase’. Many times, towards the national exam, there is an epidemic of salvation spreading through the candidates’ classes. If a study were to be conducted a few months down the road, one would be amazed at how quickly and completely people recovered from the ‘salvation phase’. The point here is that there are very few people who are genuinely nice. All of us have a certain degree of evil in us, some greater than others, yes, but we all have it. First thing is to accept this about your self and then accept and expect it of others. The aim should then be to determine what degree of badness is acceptable. In order to avoid people getting all sorts of stress-related illnesses as they try to live as perfect beings, it is imperative that we look at certain things that should be acceptable such that people can use up their quarter of evil without causing too much damage.  The seven deadly sins are, I’m told, greed, gluttony, lust, pride, sloth, envy and anger. Those, one must avoid like the plague. Further, anything that needlessly causes pain to another person should be avoided; do only that which helps you use up your small, can’t-be-resisted quota of badness.  GOSSIPThis needs to be urgently renamed. What sort of ugly word is this?! Why not call it an "informative discussion” instead? There is no way we can live without discussing the what, where, how, when, why and with who of others. It is impossible to effectively talk without mentioning other people. Tell a lie, even pastors do this in the guise of finding out how their flock is faring. Informative discussions for, say, one hour a day should be enough to reduce the urge to do really bad things.  LYINGShow me a person that claims not to lie, and right there you have caught your very first liar. If ever there was a human necessity, this is it. Once again, this needs to be renamed. May be something in the line of, "an essential distortion of the truth.” If we were to speak the truth at all times, we would have many wounded people walking around. Girls would have to tell that guy they would never date him because he’s just too broke, too short, too ugly; it’s much easier to say you’re in a relationship.  STEALINGWe’re not talking about outright stealing, grabbing public land, carjacking etc. we’re talking of "taking souvenirs within limits.” Are you aware that the ridiculous price you have to pay at most hotels is calculated to cover any losses incurred?Now, why should you have to suffer for sins that are not yours? Don’t go packing all the bed linen though; the operative phrase here is ‘within limits’. A shower cap, soap, shampoo,…just so you can remember your stay. FIGHTINGResearch has shown that fighting, whether verbally or physically goes a long way in helping reduce bottled up tensions. This is not a scientific paper so I am not under any obligation to prove that this study has actually been done! You’ll have to take my word. Or leave it. Obviously, since it’s just for recreational purposes, the fighting is best kept among friends, where it could be referred to as a forceful way of showing disapproval for wrongs done against you.  SELFISHNESSA long, ugly word for something as simple as wanting to enjoy what you have worked for. Of course, this doesn’t mean you go ignoring every cry for help. Within limits, always remember.UNDERCUTSuch a terrible word for wanting to get ahead and effectively dealing with the competition. So long as one doesn’t resort to bribery, or sexual favours, doing what it takes to get ahead ought to be applauded.