Music:Urban Boys urge listeners to loosen up a little

The trio of Urban Boys must have recorded this song with both local and regional music fans firmly in mind. Sipiryani, which borrows heavily from Congolese rhythms, is up-temple, highly danceable, and the simplicity of the song’s lyrics makes it easy for listeners to sing along.

Friday, November 02, 2012

The trio of Urban Boys must have recorded this song with both local and regional music fans firmly in mind. Sipiryani, which borrows heavily from Congolese rhythms, is up-temple, highly danceable, and the simplicity of the song’s lyrics makes it easy for listeners to sing along. Sipiriyani is Kinyarwanda for Cyprian. In the song, the singers tell the listener to loosen up a little on the last weekend of the month considering that salaries are paid at around this time. It’s time for one to enjoy the fruits of their month-long sweat, they argue.  They sing: "Remove the shirt if you must and dance the night away. Even if you spent half your salary when you signed for that salary advance,you can still have a good time without a concern. As your brother’s got your back.” However, even though the song is groovy, it sounds like the kind of song you have ever heard somewhere. The theme may be different but the rhythm sounds familiar. But all in all, listening to Sipiryani is time well spent!