Should prostitution be legalised?

Prostitution is a conversation not many are willing to engage in. However, for some businesses, prostitution has helped fill the cash register while some people believe it is an evil crime that should be dealt with in the fastest time possible. Society Magazine’s Doreen Umutesi asked a few people what they thought about legalising prostitution.

Friday, November 02, 2012
Bruno Rangira

Prostitution is a conversation not many are willing to engage in. However, for some businesses, prostitution has helped fill the cash register while some people believe it is an evil crime that should be dealt with in the fastest time possible. Society Magazine’s Doreen Umutesi asked a few people what they thought about legalising prostitution.Prostitution should not be legalised because it’s a social vice. It’s a behaviour that is not good for our society. Rwandan culture is totally against such behaviour and legalising it would be a betrayal to our culture. Bruno Rangira, Director of Media and Communication at Kigali City Council (KCC)Actually the right word to use is sex workers. They should be given their rights just like anyone else, right to services and information, right not to be violated sexually or physically harmed. Legalisation of prostitution is necessary because these people need to be treated like other human beings because they are. Chantal Umuhoza, Coordinator of Safe Abortion Action Fund Project/ARBEFProstitution should be legalised but the government should set up policies that control insecurities caused by such a business. Given the fact that it’s illegal, a lot of other practices are involved thus prostitutes end up getting killed or involving themselves in drug abuse and related dangers. Claude Tuyisenge, Student, Mutara PolytechnqueI don’t think legalising prostitution would solve murder incidents and I’m against such atrocious acts. Legalising it would raise more social problems because more will indulge in the act given the fact that it’s allowed in the community. Claudine Kayitesi, Wedding PlannerBeing a social vice, I don’t think that legalising it would solve the dangers related to it. In our African system, such vices should not be promoted at all; let’s respect our cultural values and norms. Dennis Muchangi, Public Relations Manager at Kwishima Cyane MediaI think prostitution should be legalised. There should be rules protecting these girls thus making their profession safe. Whether legalised or not, prostitution will always be there in any society. Since it’s practiced under mutual consent, I don’t see why it should not be legalised. Patrick Muhire Fashion, Designer