Without manners, we are savages

So in the supermarket the other day, busy admiring things I had no intention of buying, this woman literally shoves me aside, stepping my freshly painted toes in the process.

Friday, November 02, 2012
Rachel Garuka

So in the supermarket the other day, busy admiring things I had no intention of buying, this woman literally shoves me aside, stepping my freshly painted toes in the process. Thinking this was beef from the past; I waited for the woman to turn around and state her case. Alas, she simply kept on moving - pulling things off the shelves and noisly putting them back the second she confirmed the price. What happened to simple statements like "excuse me”? I know English is still an issue but we have got to find ways to communicate better. The woman was like an animal, because even when I watched her walk off, she had a certain get-out-of-my-way-or-I’ll-knock-your-teeth-out aura to her. I cursed her silently, lest she came back and asked me to explain my words. You think that’s bad? There are some people who behave as if they are the only ones entitled to space. Once, I entered a taxi that wasn’t filled up, but I felt I’d rather sit closer to the door so I could get out easily. This lady was seated on the second row, hogging all the chair to herself as if she thought the rest of us would sit on top of the taxi. When she realised I wanted to sit, she quickly pretended she was on phone, thinking I wouldn’t bother her. How wrong she was! I tapped her shoulder telling her to scoot...she glanced at me and mumbled words in Kinyarwanda. I got the feeling she was telling me there were other seats.Irritated beyond words, I told her if she didn’t move I would be forced to sit on her as I did not wish to go to the back. A kind man then explained to her what I had just said. I have never seen someone get up so fast! I’ve realised that it is not a communication problem. Some people are simply to rude or wound up in themselves to care about anything else. How else do you push someone, nearly make them fall with boxes of cereal and not so much as look back to say sorry?And as if you haven’t had enough, there is that one person staring you up and down like you stole her man or something. There is staring and there is STARING! I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ve realised this won’t go away. At the bank the other day, a ‘muzungu’ walked in and every pair of eyes (save for mine) were fixed on her – including the teller operators! Really? In this day and age I didn’t know people still stare at white folks! Making someone uncomfortable is rude and it’s imperative to have some manners, because without manners, we are savages!