Kagame receives US under Secretary Wendy Sherman

President Paul Kagame, yesterday, at Village Urugwiro received Wendy Sherman, the US under Secretary General for Political Affairs, with whom they discussed Rwanda’s peacekeeping role among other issues.

Thursday, November 01, 2012
President Paul Kagame pauses for a photo with Wendy Sherman (third left) with Minister Louise Mushikiwabo, (L) and, Joe Palombo, from the US embassy Kigali (2nd L). Others are Ambassador Donald W. Koran and Deputy Under Secretary Cynthia Akuette.

President Paul Kagame, yesterday, at Village Urugwiro received Wendy Sherman, the US under Secretary General for Political Affairs, with whom they discussed Rwanda’s peacekeeping role among other issues.Speaking to journalists after meeting with President Kagame, Sherman said with Rwanda’s recent election to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the two countries will use their common values to promote global peace and prosperity.Whereas USA is a permanent member of the security council, Rwanda was elected as a non-permanent member for its region, replacing South Africa, and will take its seat in January next year."The US and Rwanda have worked together on many issues in the world and have indicated common aspirations for peace and security. Rwanda has always been a champion for creating a future for its citizens as well as having sovereign control over its territory, and this is the goal for both our governments.”Sherman, however, pointed out that although Rwanda and USA do not always agree on everything, cooperation and talks have continued between both governments to bridge gaps."There are times in every relationship where there are disagreements, but the strength in a relationship is how you honestly talk about those disagreements and decide what is foremost in your objectives,” she said."I had fruitful talks with President Kagame on various issues, including Rwanda’s peacekeeping role. The President and the Rwanda Foreign Affairs minister offered their condolences for the loss of lives and property in US because of Hurricane Sandy that just occurred. I was very grateful because that is what countries do for each other.”Sherman urged for more regional support to quell DRC’s crisis, saying the central African country needs support to help it assert authority over its eastern region."The relationship and desire for peace and security in DRC is important. All countries should support the Congo to exert control and authority in its country and I know this is what President Kabila and all Great Lakes countries wish as well,” Sherman said."There have been efforts in the past that have brought peace and stability, although they have not been as sustainable as everybody would want them to be. And today while I spoke with President Kagame, I certainly had a sense of the renewal of the commitment that Rwanda has made in the past and continues to make to work for peace and prosperity for Rwanda, and the Congo and for the entire Great Lakes region.”After meeting with Kagame, Sherman is expected to travel to the DRC, Uganda, South Africa, Kenya and Ethiopia, to hold talks with government officials on regional security and democracy.