It’s just the start-Blanko

Blanko Tucak has admitted that last Saturday’s win against Mauritania was just a drop in the ocean in regards to the amount of work he has ahead of him. Amavubi Stars coach also hailed the support his team got from the fans who filled Nyamirambo stadium to more than its capacity.

Monday, June 02, 2008
GUNNING FOR MORE: National team head coach Blanko Tucak addressing the press recently. (Photo/ E. Mucunguzi).

Blanko Tucak has admitted that last Saturday’s win against Mauritania was just a drop in the ocean in regards to the amount of work he has ahead of him. Amavubi Stars coach also hailed the support his team got from the fans who filled Nyamirambo stadium to more than its capacity.

The win was the Croat’s first in three attempts since he took over from Josip Kuza as the national team head coach in April.

"I am happy with today’s (Saturday) win; we played well throughout, dominating the opponent just the way we wanted.

"But this is just a drop in the ocean regarding the amount of work we have ahead of us,” acknowledged the Croat after registering his first win.

The former El Hilal and El Merrick coach started his reign with a humiliating 4-0 drabbing at the hands of Sudan at first round first leg qualifier in the inaugural African Nations’ Championship, he followed with an uninspired 1-1 in the return leg.

Those two results seemed to cast a shadow of doubt by Amavubi fans over the coach’s ability, some including his own paymasters had started to question his capability. However, after Saturday’s performance, his critics gave him a benefit of doubt, something that could buy him time to settle as he gets to know his players better.

Perhaps, if he gets enough time to work with the players, locals and professionals, Tucak could learn that Elias Ntaganda is never a midfielder and he never will and also that Patrick Mafisango and Jean-Baptiste Mugiraneza can not play in the same team at the same time.

Saturday was the first time the Croat witnessed what Rwandans are all about when it comes to turning up in big numbers to cheer on their national heroes.

Reacting to what he saw at Nyamirambo, he said, "I must thank the fans for their support, they really rallied behind the team and the players responded just in the right way.”

About his preparation for the next game against Ethiopia on Sunday in Addis Ababa, Tucak said, "We’re going to train as usual but I expect Ethiopia to be tougher challenge than Mauritania.”

The coach expects to have Greece based defender Emeran Fritz Nkusi to be fit before the team to flies out to Addis. The fullback pulled out of squad for the Mauritania game at the eleventh minute with a calf injury and his place was taken by Atraco striker Abedi Mulenda.
