Treasure what you already have!

“I’m just a working man, with an average salary, but by the look of things, I might not get the women of my dreams in this 21st century.” 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Some women would give anything to shop all day. Net photo.

"I’m just a working man, with an average salary, but by the look of things, I might not get the women of my dreams in this 21st century.”  Some women are unrealistic with their expectations. Of course, a good, hard working man who respects women isn’t too much to ask but some women take it too far! For some, having a good man isn’t enough, they also want a two-storied house, a chauffeured Lexus, money for endless shopping sprees and salon pampering, and unlimited airtime on their iPhones! If she doesn’t have these things, she will obsess and claim all her friends have them and how she has to keep up!  If she is told that things will get better in the future, she will accuse the man of being lazy with no ambition whatsoever.It’s fine to have goals and dreams of being the next Kimora Lee Simmons, but let us be realistic and try to treasure the things we have already, like the modest roof over our heads and decent food to eat…it could be worse!!