Letting Go

Letting go of anything is probably one the hardest things you can do. In fact, letting go of clothes I have owned since I was 16 is just too complicated. I know to some that sounds ridiculous. Thank God for the fact that I have moved as much as I have because I would be a serious hoarder.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Letting go of anything is probably one the hardest things you can do. In fact, letting go of clothes I have owned since I was 16 is just too complicated. I know to some that sounds ridiculous. Thank God for the fact that I have moved as much as I have because I would be a serious hoarder. I hate letting go. However, one thing I am good at letting go is letting go of "toxic” people. You know people who are just not good for your health. I log on to Facebook, click on that ‘unfriend’ button, then I go to Twitter and click on that ‘unfollow’ icon and if I really, REALLY want you out of my life, I go to my phone contacts and delete your number.  Eventually, the person will contact me but the fact that she or he can’t find me on Twitter or Facebook will kind of give them the hint. Wow, I’ve just realised that is a whole lot of social media action but I guess that’s just how our generation rolls.I always read about women having trouble letting go of their toxic best friend, the jeans that don’t fit so she gets depressed every time she looks at them or even attempts to try them on. Even worse is the woman who is still Facebook friends with her ex-boyfriend (who has got a new girlfriend quickly after their break-up). It’s like some women are drawn to the exact objects or people who will bring them down.  I understand, you and that girl have been friends for years, but her not being there for you and yet expecting you to be there for her at all times of the day AND night is simply not fair to you. As for those jeans, burn them! Yes, you used to be a size two in high school but now you’re a woman with some curves on you, be proud of the new you, don’t look back and dwell on how you used to look. As long as you’re healthy today get over it!And that ex-boyfriend….why have you not unfriended him already?! No, you do not need to see that he is taking his new girlfriend to Paris, after he would not even venture to Musanze with you. It clearly wasn’t meant to be so find your own, NEW man to take you on a lovely vacation or even better, grab a close friend and book those tickets!We all have to let go and move on at some point. Whether it’s the fact that you are no longer a size 2 or that you can’t stand your oldest best friend, you just have to accept it and move on so you can live a happy and healthy life not just physically but also mentally.