We wish you success in exams

I would like to wish success to all candidates yet to sit for the national exams. Special wishes go out to Judith Umuhoza, Kelly Karangwa, Benoit Kayigamba, Victor Nzazamahor and Gloire Ange Shema. Theobald Nkurunziza, APACOPE

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Theobald Nkurunziza,

I would like to wish success to all candidates yet to sit for the national exams. Special wishes go out to Judith Umuhoza, Kelly Karangwa, Benoit Kayigamba, Victor Nzazamahor and Gloire Ange Shema. Theobald Nkurunziza, APACOPEMy sincere wishes go out to Lenova Uwingabire, Fraterine and Fridah. May you excel in all you endeavours and not just exams. Therese Mutuyimana, APACOPE My prayers go out to Teta, Sharon and all candidates during this examination period. Don’t forget to say a little prayer before starting the paper.Shakira Byandaga, WELLSPRINGI want to wish all my friends who are going to sit for the exams all the best. My dearest wishes go to Carine Ishimwe, Lenova Uwingabire.”Lauraine Giramata, APACOPEI would like to wish all my fellow candidates success during these examinations. Special wishes go out to Iynna, Naomi, Sandra, Beza, Abayo and Nanda. Natasha Uwase, EXCELAI wish Baraka, Rugema, Mugwiza, Munezero and other candidates all the best. Moses Kabishi, KIGALI PARENTS SCHOOLAnnaise, Kelvin, Prince, Fiona, Chelsea, Karen and Sonia are some of my friends going to sit for PLE; I wish them all the best in the exams.Sharon Byandaga WELL SPRING ACADEMYI would like to extend my wishes to Belinda, Vanessa, Hope and Kevin. I pray you all pass these exams with flying colours.Edina Mugunga, GOOD FOUNDATIONI am wishing success to my brother Jonathan Magezi, my friends Brian Abine, Tony Katabarwa and all other candidates.Joshua Magezi