Jealousy - when it’s all about you

What is jealousy?Some people confuse envy and jealousy. Envy is when you want to have something that another person has and feeling unhappy that the person has it.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Use jealousy as a motivation. Net photo Net photo.

What is jealousy?Some people confuse envy and jealousy. Envy is when you want to have something that another person has and feeling unhappy that the person has it. For example, you may feel envy when someone you know gets the super cool bike that you’ve always wanted! You may covet the bike, which means that you wish it was yours.Jealousy is like envy but includes suspicion. Jealousy is often to do with competition. For example sometimes you may be jealous of a brother or sister because you think your parents love him or her more than they love you. Or you may feel jealous about your friend and want to have all of his or her attention all of the time.The negative side of jealousyFeeling jealous can bring all sorts of bad feelings with it.Feelings of anger or even hatred.  Feelings of rejection, when you feel that you are not wanted or not good enough. Feelings of wanting to ’get your own back’ in some way.Having bad feelings like this can be harmful to the person whom you are jealous about.The positive sideNo one, not even the most wonderful person in the world, will go through life without feeling jealous at some time, if only for a moment. The trick is to recognize jealousy and then choose how you are going to react to it.This takes time and you may have to work very hard at times but there are millions of successful people around the world who have learned to use jealousy as a way of improving their lives and the lives of others.Well look at what can happen if you feel jealous in the following situations. Feeling jealous can bring out other feelings which then lead to your reaction. You can choose the negative or the positive reaction, (and it’s quite normal to go for the negative at first!)”Everyone is born equal, but some are ’more equal’ than others!” Have you heard that saying? What it means is that we all have talents but some people don’t have the same advantages as others.  We all have our own lives to live and saying that ”life is unfair” and ”what’s the use of trying?”, and acting out the negative stuff is the right way to make our lives boring and miserable and friendless! Yes life is unfair sometimes but we need to get over it, make the best of it, and make plans for a better future. That is what people have been doing since people first came on the Earth. Let jealousy motivate you into being the very best that you can be, and your life will be too busy for you to have time to feel jealous of