Will RwandAir emulate Virgin Atlantic and commence flights into Mumbai?

Editor, Your esteemed newspaper recently reported that RwandAir had purchased two new aircrafts from Bombardier Aerospace of Canada. In fact, it is very interesting to observe how the national carrier of this great nation constantly innovates, increases its fleet and expands its network.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
The newly acquired CRJ900 jet at Kigali International Airport. The New Times / File.

Editor, Your esteemed newspaper recently reported that RwandAir had purchased two new aircrafts from Bombardier Aerospace of Canada. In fact, it is very interesting to observe how the national carrier of this great nation constantly innovates, increases its fleet and expands its network.Effective October,29, 2012 , Virgin Atlantic has commenced a daily , non-stop flight from London to Mumbai and back. Air connectivity is vital in developing trade, tourism and investments between countries. While Indian businessmen and tourists can reach Kigali via Nairobi, Addis Ababa or even Doha, will RwandAir emulate Virgin Atlantic and commence direct flights into Mumbai?Mumbai could then become a base from where visitors to Rwanda could travel to various points in South East Asia, China and even Japan .RwandAir’s entry into the Indian market would be welcomed by many.Clarence Fernandes, India