Youth to invest Rwf150 million in Reality TV

In a bid to nurture young talent across Rwanda, three young entrepreneurs are set to inject over Rwf150m in the country’s inaugural talent search and reality TV show, scheduled to premiere on Rwanda TV early next month.

Monday, October 29, 2012

In a bid to nurture young talent across Rwanda, three young entrepreneurs are set to inject over Rwf150m in the country’s inaugural talent search and reality TV show, scheduled to premiere on Rwanda TV early next month.All university graduates and young entrepreneurs, the three friends, Robert Ndungutse, Herman Ngoga and Praise Asiimwe, registered their talent search company at RDB as Dundastar Talent Search Ltd, and hope to use it as platform for the Rwandans with talent but without the opportunity to exploit it."We were endorsed by the Minister of Sports and Culture who told us that our vision is excellent for young people who need to develop their singing and dancing talents. Therefore, we decided to go ahead with the idea and are glad to say that it has been well received in the country,” Ndungutse, Executive Director, Dundastar, said.A graduate in telecommunications engineering, Ndungutse said that Rwanda’s youth have no real opportunity to showcase their talents, yet it has the potential to improve their lives."There are very many young Rwandans that can sing and dance but will never use their talent because they have no access to studios and producers. Dundastar will give them that platform and exposure,” Ngoga, the Managing Director, said."We have so far invested around Rwf60 million and by the end of the first season, we estimate to have invested at least Rwf150 million”, he added.Targeting youth of fifteen years and above, Dundastar will begin conducting singing and dancing auditions in and around Kigali aimed at identifying talent, which will all air on TV. Twenty youth will then be selected for the final stage of the search, which will feature weekly elimination performances until grand winners in the song and dance categories crowned by the public vote.The winners will be rewarded with cash prizes, training as well as deals with local and regional music producers.