Support to Somalia a commendable gesture

Editor On Friday, Somalia`s Ambassador to Rwanda, Cabdullahi Sheikh Maxamed, received a cheque of Rwf30 million as a contribution to Somalia by Rwandan youth.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

EditorOn Friday, Somalia`s Ambassador to Rwanda, Cabdullahi Sheikh Maxamed, received a cheque of Rwf30 million as a contribution to Somalia by Rwandan youth.The money was raised through a campaign dubbed, Rwanda Youth Campaign for Somalia, according to The New Times (Rwandan youth contribute Rwf30 million to Somalia, October 28).Somalia is steadily recovering from decades of conflict and violence, which subjected the country’s population to endemic famine.While there has been a marked improvement in the country’s security situation over the last few months, thanks to the African Peacekeeping Mission there, the country still has a long way to go to recover. It will need support from particularly its African peers to properly manage its post-conflict period.The gesture by the Rwandan youth should inspire several other Africans to do the same. This support can be in  any form, including sharing successful post-conflict experiences, which would be helpful to the government and the people of Somalia.Of critical importance is consolidation of peace and security throughout the country and to foster unity and reconciliation, as well as mass participation in the recovery process.Peace Kangabe,Kigali