I hate people who…

…park their cars on the pavements meant for pedestrians. I wonder why some people are allowed to purchase certain goods without first undergoing a mental check up.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

…park their cars on the pavements meant for pedestrians.

I wonder why some people are allowed to purchase certain goods without first undergoing a mental check up. How then can we explain this tendency for some people to park their cars on the pavements meant for pedestrians, forcing us (yes I have no car and it is not funny) to walk on the same road that has speeding cars. Do these rich jokers think we enjoy playing Russian roulette with our lives by walking on the road? So because someone rarely uses his/her head properly my life is put in danger. Oh I hate you so much.    …think every seat should be considered a toilet seat.

There is a group of very annoying people who I think need to have their heads smashed with heavy mining equipment. Do you know the annoying folks who enter a taxi or bus then go ahead to sit with their legs spread apart? For some reason it is usually a man doing this. These fools inconvenience anyone sitting next to them. Others are compelled to use less of the seat as one brainless chap spreads his legs as if to entertain us with the stench from his groins.  Do they think this is a toilet seat or what? I wish they could be thrown off the bus and told to walk instead.  …assume that by watching TV they are now political professors. If watching TV was the same as attending university lecture, then some of my friends would be qualified professors. I hate people who, after watching a few debates on TV between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, think they can talk about US politics all the time. So what if you stayed awake late in the night to watch the debates? Does it ever cross your mind that we also have TV sets and watch news sometimes? Don’t you have anything else to talk about other than Obama? And do not ask me to buy you a beer after all that boring US politics you were talking, try the US embassy.  …use company Twitter handles to tweet irrelevant things. There is this government body whose handle is used to tweet things like "Rihanna’s new album rocks.” I also don’t understand why the person behind the @RwandaCAA account thinks it should be used to tweet things like, "God bless Israel” (27 April) or "What does love mean to you” (28, August). I also saw a tweet that went, "God’s compassion is dedicated to guiding us every other day.” How is this related to civil aviation? …laugh at their friends in public all the time. There are some people we love but hate when they laugh at us at every single moment when we are in public. Yes, I am talking about that crazy friend of mine who laughed at me when I tripped and almost lost all my teeth. What are friends for if you are going to laugh at The Hater when the piece of meat he is about to swallow falls on the floor? What is really funny there? I thought you were supposed to be supportive and not there to laugh at me as if I am some kind of comedian. Maybe you need to watch a comedy show to know what is funny and what is not. Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293