World Bank officials tour dev’t projects

Rwanda is developing in all sectors due to the good governance and leadership style, World Bank officials have said.

Saturday, October 27, 2012
The World Bank team dances with the farmers. The New Times / Courtesy.

Rwanda is developing in all sectors due to the good governance and leadership style, World Bank officials have said.The officials led by new Country Manager, Carrie Turk, made the remarks while touring projects funded by the institution in Karongi and Muhanga districts. The tour started in Rugabana and Kagano in Karongi, ending in Rugeramigozi marshland famous for rice production in Muhanga. Turk took time to discuss with farmers who testified how both the Land Husbandry and Hillside Irrigation (LWH), and the Rural Sector Support Project (RSSP) have transformed their livelihoods.She said she was impressed by the tremendous progress the project has made in the two districts, adding that any community or country, where people join efforts in an organised manner, is destined for economic development."Rwanda is a promising country because farmers are working together to find solutions from within themselves, and to spearhead their own development,” she is quoted in the statement as saying. Tijan M. Sallah, another official at the World Bank, hailed Rwanda for its rapid development attributing this to a visionary leadership.He congratulated the farmers for spearheading agriculture transformation while helping the country pursue its objective of food security and increasing rural incomes.Donat Banyurwaniki, one of the farmers who gave a personal testimony during the visit, thanked the government for introducing the LWH project in Karongi.He said that he benefited from the terraces and training as an entrepreneur and that he had bought himself a car and a computer to help him prepare tender documents which has enabled him to compete for larger supply services.The team concluded their tour in Muhanga where they interacted with farmers of KIABR rice cooperative.