Editor,The truth is there and it is a shame to the DRC government for always trying to explain to the population that the origin of their problem is caused by neighbors! The conflict in DRC belongs to the Congolese people and they must face the problem. They need to engage in dialogue and I think this is the only way forward.
Editor,The truth is there and it is a shame to the DRC government for always trying to explain to the population that the origin of their problem is caused by neighbors! The conflict in DRC belongs to the Congolese people and they must face the problem. They need to engage in dialogue and I think this is the only way forward.International community can hardly solve such problems. Its failure elsewhere is a matter of public record. The Sudans are now trying to find solutions to their problems without relying on the so-called international community.The DRC government needs to understand and cease wasting time shouting out and lying to people. The French president recently told them the truth during the Francophone summit. Love for the country should take precedence.Bruno, Southern Province
Editor,Yes, the truth will one day prevail. Normally, a solution to DRC problem should come from Congolese themselves, not from the neighboring states. And DRC leadership should first demonstrate the will to end this problem (because without a positive moral thinking of saving citizens from these atrocities which have been going on for years, conflict will never end). The selfish interests that characterize the Congolese leaders should also stop.Innocent Hodali, KICUKIRO discomfort-----------------------------------------------Editor,Looks the International Alert report is putting out the truth about the Congo situation, at least according to this story. I hope someone else out there comes out loud and clear about the realities in that unfortunate region.There is an old generation in Eastern DRC which is kept intact by either very bankrupt individuals or individuals with very selfish interest that surely don’t love the affected Congolese people! Pray that something positive continues to happen. Thanks.David Rujugira, Kigali------------------------------------------------- Editor,International Alert has hit a fundamental point. This is what President Kagame has said time and again; but the international community has refused to take heed. Thank you for putting more light to that. Maybe because you are white people, they will listen you!Ali Hereza, Kigali