Rwanda to receive more Jersey cattle semen

World Jersey Cattle Bureau (WJCB) is to donate more semen for crossbreeding the local cattle.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

World Jersey Cattle Bureau (WJCB) is to donate more semen for crossbreeding the local cattle.

It’s hoped this donation will boost government’s policy of improving beef and milk production in the country.

With improved breeds, more hybrids, milk and quality beef is to be produced, thus improving household incomes.

Dr Theogéne Rutagwenda, Director General of Rwanda Animal resourse Development agency (Rarda) said the donation will come from United States of America (USA), Denmark and New Zealand breeders.

Rutagwenda made the announcement after returning from the 18th WJCB Conference last week. The conference took place in Jersey Island.

Rarda through the technical assistance of Island has been training artificial inseminators to extend services to the growing number of cattle farmers. The number of trainers has grown to more than 300.

This has also increased the cattle inseminated from 40,000 in the last 10 years to 47,000 in 2007. According to a statement from the WJCB, the increasing number of Jerseys cattle and crossbreeds has improved the standards of Rwandans through milk and beef production.

Rwanda honoured

In 2004, Rwanda was offered honourable membership to WJCB after President Paul Kagame visited the Jersey Island.

Currently, the country is producing bovine semen having imported two Fresian and three Jersey bulls from South Africa last year for semen production.

Each bull has a semen production of about 300 doses per week. Each dose costs Frw1500.

The country no longer imports semen from Canada and United Kingdom

The Jersey breed cattle are believed to have a high butterfat content and milk production.

Beef production up

There has been a steady increase in beef production with the increasing number of cross breeds. In 2005, beef production was 49,861 tonnes, it increased by 2,365 tonnes in 2006 and by 4,919 tonnes in 2007.
