Bralirwa, FA ink league sponsorship extension

BRALIRWA Ltd and Rwanda Football Federation (Ferwafa) have signed a one-year league sponsorship extension which is worth Rwf. 160 million.

Friday, October 26, 2012
Jan van Velzen, Bralirwau2019s Director of Sales and Marketing shakes hand with Ferwafau2019s vice president Raoul Gisanura after signing the extension of the league sponsorship yesterday at Ferwafa headquarters. The New Times / T. Kisambira.

BRALIRWA Ltd and Rwanda Football Federation (Ferwafa) have signed a one-year league sponsorship extension which is worth Rwf. 160 million.Bralirwa Ltd supported Rwandan football for the last three years through a sponsorship contract which ended in summer 2012.The new sponsorship package which will cover the 2012/13 national football league will see 47 % of the amount directly benefitting clubs through prize money and participation fees with an aim of improving the standards of local football. Jan van Velzen, Bralirwa’s Director of Sales and Marketing said, ‘’Bralirwa and its flagship brand Primus is a loyal partner of Ferwafa for years. Primus is a brand which identifies itself with enjoyment, funship and is the true Rwandan beer for the Rwandan people,”"We are happy to renew the contract for one year as we also increase our contribution. Our financial contribution and support combined with the vision and hard work of Ferwafa will lead to a more appealing football league with an even higher quality of football,” said Velzen adding that Primus and Ferwafa share the same goal of bringing enjoyment to the fans, passionate game and increasing the level of Rwandan football.Ferwafa vice president Raoul Rugisanura said, "We are contented with the package and we believe this win-win sponsorship deal will play a vital role in improving the level of the game in the country,” added Gisanura.Out of the entire package, Rwf75m will be channeled to participating teams as a direct grant while a further Rwf15m will be allocated as league prize money.Media component will cost Rwf. 30m; administrative expenses will cost Rwf. 20m while performance fees will add up to Rwf. 20 million respectively.Bralirwa through Primus brand which is the main title sponsor of the league has taken 60% of the league sponsorship leaving 40% which is yet to gain any backing. Previously, Bralirwa sponsored the league during the 2004-05 season before pulling out due to mysterious reasons. Bralirwa signed another three-year contract worth Rwf. 335m to sponsor the 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12 national league seasons.Meanwhile, Bralirwa is to spend a further Rwf. 160m activating the Primus National Football League this season.Every year Bralirwa engages in a variety of sporting events. This year, Bralirwa through its brand Sprite brought the famous NBA basketball player, Luol Deng from the Chicago Bulls, to Kigali. Through, its Brand Coca-Cola, Bralirwa supported the 4th edition of COPA Coca-Cola interschool football tournament. This sponsorship received over Rwf 40 million from Bralirwa for the last four years. Every year, the two best players of the tournament get a chance to attend a two weeks football camp in South Africa.