IKEA Foundation boss tours devt projects

The visiting CEO of IKEA Foundation, Per Heggenes has commended Rwanda for the progress made in improving the welfare of its citizens.

Friday, October 26, 2012
The CEO of IKEA Foundation Per Heggenes and his delegation listen to a resident in Musanze district. The New Times / Sam Nkurunziza.

The visiting CEO of IKEA Foundation, Per Heggenes has commended Rwanda for the progress made in improving the welfare of its citizens.     "With limited means, it’s amazing how Rwanda is able to address issues that have failed in other countries,”  Heggenes said while  touring various development projects on Wednesday  in Musanze district.Heggenes noted that his Rwandan experience had proved that basic principles of enabling accessibility to life’s best opportunities can effectively be implemented."These are fundamental achievements for which we are committed to continuously support as much as we can,” he said.IKEA Foundation is UNICEF’s largest corporate partner and has been supporting UNICEF programmes in the areas of education, child survival and disaster risk reduction for over ten years.Some of the projects which Heggenes toured include the Rapid SMS initiative, where a small chip inserted inside an ordinary mobile phone is helping pregnant mothers receive the best healthcare information.A communication chain involving community health workers, hospital officials and Ministry of Health staff ensures timely tracking and response to pregnancy related complications using this chip.Heggenes particularly got impressed with how Rwanda has quickly adopted the use of such modern technology to improve lives of people.Dr Grace Muriisa, an HIV Specialist at UNICEF Rwanda said that joint partnership with all stakeholders has enabled them to make the tremendous achievements.During the tour, Heggenes was accompanied by the UNICEF officials including Deputy Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa, Elke Wisch, Director of Private Fundraising and Partnerships, Leila Pakkala and country representative Noala Skinner.He reaffirmed his commitment in reversing the cycle of poverty’ to a ‘cycle of prosperity’ through a holistic and sustainable approach of shelter, health, education and financial sustainability.