Has women emancipation gone too far?

It’s overboard It only takes a few visits around some homesteads to discover what families have exactly become these days. The shocking truth is that if it wasn’t for breasts or beards, it would be hard to tell who the woman or man of the home is.

Thursday, October 25, 2012
Ivan R.u00a0 Mugisha

It’s overboard

It only takes a few visits around some homesteads to discover what families have exactly become these days. The shocking truth is that if it wasn’t for breasts or beards, it would be hard to tell who the woman or man of the home is.These days, families have as many as three house helpers (we usually call them kadogos); one to cook dinner and breakfast, the other to do the house chores, and the other to be a standby if needed for anything.This is all because women no longer want to do anything at home- after work, all they do is sit down and watch TV or read newspapers; something that was previously associated with men.What used to be a happy family portrait is now a lonely and chaotic place where people are permanently stuck together- and this is all because of the modern move towards "equality”.Women empowerment is very important; please get me right, especially in depraved societies where women are overly mistreated simply because they are women. Girls can’t go to school like their brothers, they can neither speak nor have their opinions voiced without being threatened. This kind of unfairness is what true women rights movements tried to challenge as early as the 18th century.Unfortunately, these movements have, over the years, been hijacked by overzealous individuals who have completely destroyed them to suit their self induced ideas.With utmost disrespect to the family setting, rights groups have lied to could-be-wives that their role in a family is equal or similar to the rights of their husbands. Eventually, they fail to be submissive; raise their voices in arguments and do anything that is bent on sabotaging what would have otherwise been a healthy relationship.Some extreme activists have even urged women to quit men altogether by shunning marriages and commitments.I am not saying that women should be quiet, or adamantly submissive- what I’m saying is that they should try their best to fit in their roles as loving and hardworking mothers.I agree men are sometimes hard to cope with; we also have issues which we must deal with, but we are not animals… we are reasonable. Times have changed and men are not as barbaric as they used to be.Most men now don’t need feminists to remind them that their daughters deserve to go to school, or that their wives deserve  love and respect.And I can certainly tell you that even if you searched all over the world, not a single man would be willing to share a relationship with a hard-mouthed or lazy woman.True women emancipation is about building respect for women and not causing commotion in society.