The one minute man

He is good looking, smart, loaded and cultured. He’s been topping the ‘eligible bachelor’ list since the ‘Dead Sea’ was merely sick but for some reason, even after all that, he still doesn’t have anyone to call his own! Whenever he hooks up with a girl, even before the moon goes to sleep, he gets dropped like a bad habit. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012
Martin bishop

He is good looking, smart, loaded and cultured. He’s been topping the ‘eligible bachelor’ list since the ‘Dead Sea’ was merely sick but for some reason, even after all that, he still doesn’t have anyone to call his own! Whenever he hooks up with a girl, even before the moon goes to sleep, he gets dropped like a bad habit.   Tabloids wrote about him till their printers ran out of ink! Well, one thing’s for sure, he doesn’t belong to any terrorist group or the infamous Illuminati fraternity; he is merely a ‘one minute man!’ If you are a woman and you don’t know what I’m talking about, pat yourself on the shoulder and thank your Maker.According to experts, around 30 per cent of men suffer from premature ejaculation, but lasting two minutes doesn’t skip the ‘P.E’ issue, it is still in the 30%. Apparently this issue remains a silent relationship and marriage killer. A lady friend once told me that her fiancée blamed it on the caveman days, as evolutionary psychology suggests men learned to ejaculate quickly to ensure they completed the sex act before a predator attacked.Today, caves turned into skyscrapers but some men are still holding onto the excuse. Relationships end and couples make up reasons for the breakup as if they just can’t be honest and say, Hey, I dumped him because he can’t keep up; or, she dumped me because I was sexually handicapped. In most cases, the woman walks away pissed beyond words and the man with an ego so bruised not even Dr. Phil can fix it. Today, I am here on behalf of all ‘beepers’ and I apologise to the ladies for all the times they’ve been left hanging!  I also apologise if they are not man enough to talk about it!  Women if your man has such issues and you truly care about him, there are a hundred and one ways to help him. Dissing him, calling him names or making him feel like he is less of a man are not one of those ways. I think guys should be more open, at least talk to a shrink if it’s not easy talking to your girl. Ladies, try not to act like it’s all good when it’s not. Talk to him about the way you feel. The good news is that this is a fixable situation. Details will be given in a more discreet nature!