Why do women act like they don’t cheat too?

When the word ‘cheat’ crops up in a conversation, women are all too ready to point fingers at men. Yes, men cheat but who said women don’t?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Men simply do not know how to cover their tracks. Net photo.

When the word ‘cheat’ crops up in a conversation, women are all too ready to point fingers at men. Yes, men cheat but who said women don’t? Of course this doesn’t apply to all women, just like it is not fair to assume that all men are two-timers!  For a long time now, men have been the sole culprits yet in actual sense; it’s human nature and has nothing to do with gender.According to an article written by Phil Vinter in MailOnline, a new survey says that almost 100 per cent of women who cheat on their partners never get caught, but men are not as good at covering their tracks with 17 per cent admitting to getting caught.According to Dr David Holmes, a psychologist at Manchester Metropolitan University, women are having more affairs than ever but are really good at covering their tracks, unlike men. "Women are better liars because they’re more psychologically sophisticated. Emotionally, they make plans and have strategies, while men are more impulsive,” Dr. Holmes is quoted.All this time, tradition had it that only men cheat but women have the issue of trust covered and are better liars than men. It comes as no shock that female adulterers are better at getting away with it than their male counterparts.