Local non-profit organisation recognised in the US

Isaro Foundation, a local non-profit organisation that aims to improve reading and writing skills in schools in the country has been ranked number five among 20 most successful nonprofits started by students in the United States of America.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Isaro Foundation, a local non-profit organisation that aims to improve reading and writing skills in schools in the country has been ranked number five among 20 most successful nonprofits started by students in the United States of America.The organisations have been recognised for their philanthropic work that has brought change in their communities.The non-profit institutions have been recognised by the Online College, a US based organisation that aims to enhance American students' success in the real world both in school and in extra curricula activities.Isaro Foundation was founded last year in October by Rwandan student Jean Leon Iragena studying at Millsaps College in the US, supported by the College and Rwanda Diaspora Global Network (RDGN).Isaro Foundation has been recognised for promoting literacy in Rwanda, donating e-book readers, awarding prizes in a writing competition for Rwandan youth, among others."This success is proof that the Rwandan youth is empowered and capable of coming up with creative initiatives that can solve some problems and challenges in Rwanda,” said Iragena, the Foundation’s CEO in a statement sent to The New Times. "It is also a lesson that union makes strength. This victory is about all Rwandan students and other people who make up this organisation; we worked together, we are working together and we will keep working together to even succeed at higher levels. We want Rwandan students to get the opportunity to read and write; it is very valuable to us."Iragena stated that his Foundation has been changing lives in different ways that it uses to improve students’ reading and writing skills in Rwanda.Food Recovery Network, a food aid programme was ranked number one nonprofit charity organisation, followed by Jewish Disaster Response Corps, Signature Donations, and Kicking 4 Hunger at fourth position.Isaro Foundation has donated more than 4,000 printed books, 10,000 electronic books to Rwandan students and schools.It has also trained teachers from all districts in the country and created about 15 reading and writing clubs in schools.According to Iragena, more than Rwf35 million has been spent on all the Foundation’s activities in the country.Isaro also plans to establish electronic or digital libraries in secondary schools countrywide.