First Lady meets IKEA Foundation CEO

The First Lady Jeannette Kagame yesterday received IKEA Foundation CEO Per Heggenes who paid a courtesy call on her.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012
First Lady Mrs Jeannette Kagame, left Mr. Per Heggenes CEO of IKEA Foundation and right Mrs. Noala Skinner UNICEF Representative to Rwanda

The First Lady Jeannette Kagame yesterday received IKEA Foundation CEO Per Heggenes who paid a courtesy call on her.The purpose of Heggenes’s visit to Rwanda is to see first-hand the impact of the UN Delivering as One in terms of achieving results in support of national priorities, according to a statement received by The New Times. Heggenes was accompanied by the UNICEF Deputy Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa, Elke Wisch , UNICEF Director of Private Fundraising and Partnerships, Leila Pakkala and UNICEF Representative in Rwanda Noala Skinner.IKEA Foundation is UNICEF’s largest corporate partner and has been supporting UNICEF programmes in the areas of education, child survival and disaster risk reduction for over ten years.  The Foundation, under Heggenes’ leadership is driven by a vision of ‘reversing the cycle of poverty’ to a ‘cycle of prosperity’ through a holistic and sustainable approach of shelter, health, education and financial sustainability. The Foundation also strongly believes in "partnerships” which it demonstrates both in its own long-lasting commitments and in urging its partners to build synergies around their respective strengths. IKEA Foundation is interested in sustainable change and structural reform. Heggenes and his delegation will be presented with the presentation of the work Imbuto Foundation does as UNICEF is one of the Imbuto’s donors for the different project currently run at Imbuto Foundation.