UNR begins four-day graduation

HUYE – The National University of Rwanda (NUR), yesterday, started a week-long graduation ceremony which will see over 3200 students who completed their studies in the last academic year graduate in various disciplines.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012
An excited mother congratulates her daughter at the NUR on Tuesday. The New Times / JP. Bucyensenge.

HUYE – The National University of Rwanda (NUR), yesterday, started a week-long graduation ceremony which will see over 3200 students who completed their studies in the last academic year graduate in various disciplines.The ‘graduation week’ runs from October 23- 26. The graduation is being conducted at the faculty level and each faculty has its own day.On Tuesday, about 970 students from the Faculties of Law and of Arts, Media and Social Sciences graduated with diplomas, Bachelor’s as well as Master’s Degrees.According to officials, the graduation at the faculty level was dictated by the need to cut down on the costs of bigger events which were held in the past."Graduation ceremonies were getting very large and taking a lot of time, that we needed to find another way of celebrating our success and the success of [our] students,” Prof Silas Lwakabamba, NUR Rector, explained yesterday."This year, we are running four separate ceremonies. We take each of them just as seriously as the ‘grand ceremony’ of previous years, and each is still being attended by more people than some institutions graduate in an entire year. But they should be more manageable for the people who attend them and their guests”.Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, the Minister of Education, Vincent Biruta highlighted the need to train competitive students who can contribute to the development of the country."We must position our students strategically, which will allow them to get jobs or to create them”.He told graduates that they will have to work hard in order to surpass others if they are to be successful.Reiterating the government’s commitment to promoting quality education, the minister noted that the single university scheme will help  in tha perspective. "The single university scheme will transform higher education to improve its efficiency and the quality of learning... [and] the effective management of human and financial resources,” he said.----------------------------------------------Graduates speak outTheoneste Bwanacyeye, 57, Public Administration"I am 57 years old, married and blessed with five children. This is the moment I have been waiting for. I am so happy that it has finally arrived.Since my childhood, I dreamt of attending a university, but could not have that chance. Today, I thank the government for offering me a scholarship to study.Though I am growing older, I still feel strong enough to give my contribution in building this country and make it more developed. As long as I am alive, I will dedicate my efforts to that end.I never faced great difficulties throughout my stay at the university; I enjoyed studying with young individuals, including those of the same age as my children. The experience was very exciting."After spending four years at this university, I have learnt a lot and I assure you, I am competent and will prove it. I believe in myself.My advice to those who are still studying is, first, to observe discipline and remain devoted and focused to their studies. This is the key to success. Studying must remain their first activity at campus, they must dedicate their efforts to that.Then, they should seek excellence through hard work."I first thank the university administration, faculty staff members and lecturers for making me who I am today. Today, a new door has been opened in my life and I am moving towards a new life. I am now awarded a Bachelor’s degree and I intend to utilise the knowledge and skills I got from here to transform my life and the lives of my compatriots."I am so happy today. This is a result of my efforts for the last four years. Of course, there are many challenges ahead, which we must face outside this university, but I’m confident that I will manage to address them”