This is how they would help the needy

“Whenever I find someone less fortunate, I feel bad because no one deserves to be in such a situation. I would definitely give a beggar on the street some money.  ”Fridah Mbabazi  12, P.6

Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Fridah Mbabazi

"Whenever I find someone less fortunate, I feel bad because no one deserves to be in such a situation. I would definitely give a beggar on the street some money.  ”Fridah Mbabazi  12, P.6"Sometimes when I find children or any other person in a poor condition for example, if they are asking for money to buy something to eat, I sacrifice my pocket money to help them in whatever way possible.”Prince Manzi  11, P.5"Living a decent life means serving others and not waiting to be served. It means caring about everyone and not just your relatives and friends. Contributing to charity is a great way to help less advantaged people.”Lenova Uwingabire 11, P.5"If it was possible, I would help everyone but unfortunately I am still young and unemployed so the only thing I can do is to ask people in the position to help to kindly do so.”Benoit Kayigamba, 12, p.6"It’s so sad to find children who are supposed to be in class, wandering around running errands and being enslaved by adults. If I could, I would take every child clenched by child labour to school where they should be.”Edga Shema, 11, P5"If I had the money, I’d make sure every child received the best education there is to offer because we all deserve good things.”Kelia Keza 12, P.6"I pity the homeless children who are not as lucky as I am to be in school. That is why I truly value the opportunities I have, especially education, and pray that these children also get the chance to go to school.” Clemance Umutoni 12, P.6 "I think everyone should have a helping heart and assist anyone who needs assistance. It’s not just about helping the people close to you, but even strangers; no one would like to see their friends or relatives in that condition so help wherever you can.”  Queen Mukungu 11, P.5"Helping doesn’t mean spending a lot of money or making excuses about being too young. It’s about having the heart to help someone. As children we can come up with ways to raise money for less advantaged children.”Chardeline Kamikazi  14, P.6"I would talk to them so as to understand them better. Sometimes, it’s not just financial assistance they need, but a friend to talk to.”  Arsene Tuyikunde 12, P.6