DRC reopens border with Rwanda

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has reopened the two border posts with Rwanda but imposed new restrictions regulating cross border movement.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has reopened the two border posts with Rwanda but imposed new restrictions regulating cross border movement.

In unprecedented move the Democratic Republic of the Congo government abruptly shut down their border services earlier than usual on Monday, leaving close to 500 travelers stranded at the two border posts that Rwanda shares with the DRC.

Usually, operations would go on for 24 hours to ease movement of people and goods but they will now close at 6 .00 pm, according to the new regulations.

Rubavu District Mayor Sheikh Hassan Bahame told The New Times Tuesday  that traders in his district would adjust to the new regulations that have been imposed by the DRC government.

Most of those who were left stranded on Monday were long distance traders who use Rwanda as transit to the DRC as well as businessmen and women who operate across the border towns of the two countries.

At the Rusizi 1 (Rusiizi-Bukavu) border, 170 Congolese were stranded on the Rwandan side while 150 Rwandans were stranded on the DRC side.

And, at the Corniche border post (Rubavu–Goma) close to 70 Congolese were stranded on the Rwandan side and 100 Rwandans on the DRC side.