Rwandans mark Nyerere Day

Kirehe–Members of  Rwanda - Tanzania Friendship Association (RWATAFA), Sunday met in Kirehe District to mark the 13th anniversary of the death of the late Tanzanian President, Julius Kambarage Nyerere.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Tanzanian delegation in a photo with their Rwandan counterparts in Rwamagana before their departure yesterday. The New Times / Courtesy.

Kirehe–Members of  Rwanda - Tanzania Friendship Association (RWATAFA), Sunday met in Kirehe District to mark the 13th anniversary of the death of the late Tanzanian President, Julius Kambarage Nyerere.Mwalimu Nyerere, as he was fondly referred to, passed away on October 14, 1999 at St. Thomas More Hospital in London.The day began with a mass led by Bishop Severin Niwemugizi of Rurenge, Ngara District in Tanzania.After mass, the congregation held a short prayer session at Saint Marc Catholic Church in Kirehe. The visiting delegation that was drawn from five Tanzanian districts was led by the Regional Commissioner of Kagera region, Colonel Fabian Massawe.Addressing the congregation, RWATAFA Chairman, Isidore Gahamanyi, said that Nyerere was a great leader remembered not only by East Africans, but across the African continent.According to Gahamanyi, the former Tanzanian leader was a nationalist of the first generation of African leaders, who struggled for independence."His nationalism was rooted in the pan-Africanism philosophy which is what gave it a universal dimension transcending narrow territorial, ethnic or racial nationalisms."Mwalimu Nyerere will remain in the minds of many Africans because he served as a champion and symbol of inspiration in the process of African liberation struggles from the shackles of colonialism,” Gahamanyi said.Gahamanyi said that Nyerere will always be remembered for his great role in settling Rwandan refugees in Tanzania in the early 1960’s."He welcomed refugees from Rwanda, our pioneer political leaders who fled the early atrocities and killings that were planned and coordinated by the colonial administration,” Gahamanyi recalled.The Governor of the Eastern Province, Odette Uwamariya, commended the joint celebration, adding that it showed the spirit of unity between Rwandans and Tanzanians."Kagera Region and Eastern Province have good relations…it was recently cemented by a Memorandum of Understanding. Nyerere’s legacy is at every corner of the African continent,” she said.Massawe noted that each year, on October 14th Tanzania commemorates with growing enthusiasm and honour, as if Nyerere was still alive.He urged Africans to commemorate Nyerere’s principles, thoughts and deeds in action."Nyerere supported peace, tranquillity, democracy… he detested corruption, if we hold his principles, we shall be commemorating him rightly. He built a political career fighting of poverty, ignorance and disease,” he said.The Government of Rwanda decorated the late Nyerere with the "Uruti” medal, which is Rwanda’s National Liberation Medal, and "Umurinzi”, Rwanda’s Campaign against the Genocide Medal.The medal was awarded to him posthumously and was received on his behalf by his widow, Mama Maria Nyerere.