Success is in your hands

Chances are that we’ve all known a person who seems like they’ve got some sort of midas touch, because everything they touch turns to success. But that isn’t the case for the vast majority of us.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Lewis Ndichu

Chances are that we’ve all known a person who seems like they’ve got some sort of midas touch, because everything they touch turns to success. But that isn’t the case for the vast majority of us. Most people have to put a lot of dedication, time, and effort into something before we consider it a success. The same can be said of leadership. Some people are born to be leaders while others have become leaders due to the choices they’ve made and actions they’ve taken.Once you have established yourself as an entrepreneur, you are aware that a lot of planning, development, and effective marketing have all got to take place, and you need to be prepared for all sorts of changes to come up at any given time. No matter what position you decide to hold in a company, you are bound to undergo trying times. By ingraining the following traits within yourself, you will stand a much better chance of success in the long-run.Gain respect from your peersOne of the strongest characteristics of almost every successful entrepreneur is the attitude that they are neither better nor worse than anybody else. But ultimately, they end up gaining our respect. When a person treats another with complete respect, they are bound to receive the same level of respect in return.Believe and trust in yourselfAlways believe in yourself and trust your instincts as well as your ideas. A successful entrepreneur will know that developing confidence is important. When people perceive one’s confidence, they are more likely to be confident in you as well.Follow a planJumping into things without thorough plans is not something that a successful entrepreneur does. Having a well thought out business plan is paramount. The plan does not have to be lengthy, but needs to include things like goals, marketing ideas, your intentions, etc. Make sure you update your business plan once in a while so that it includes any new ideas you want to implement.Think creativelyNever let the fact that an idea has already been tried by someone else detour you. A creative entrepreneur knows that there are always better ways to do things – or at the very least, market them. There isn’t an idea out there that can’t be expanded upon, improved, or enhanced. Thinking outside the box ensures that you’re keeping things fresh and unique.Explore your skillsEveryone has their strengths as well as weaknesses. Successful entrepreneurs always ask themselves what skills they’ve that nobody else has. Since the goal is to always be successfully moving forward, staying on top of your skill set is a must. When youcontinuously learn and explore, you never know – you might find you possess skills that you didn’t even realise you had.Visualise your successMake sure you take time to really visualise your business and how you want it to look and function. Picture yourself and your business as truly successful. After all, you have the power to live your life the way that you want to live it. But in order to make your ideas realities, they will need to be visualised first.Never give upThe phrase "I give up” is simply not part of the vocabulary of a successful entrepreneur. We all have days when we feel discouraged and down on ourselves. The trick is not to let these times take hold and affect our outlook. In order to stay on the right track, gather support from people who know you and will encourage you through the rough times. Surrounding yourself with people who are enthusiastic about your ideas will not only help to uphold your confidence, but it will also give you a voice of reason and hope when you feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle. If you follow these seven simple steps, you shall definitely succeed. Please write back to me if you consider these steps helpful and kindly communicate to me any problem that may hinder your road to success. The writer is a Young Entrepreneur and Founder of Easy Goal Entrepreneurs Networks