How to keep good relations with your customers

In any business set up, a customer is the most important asset that any business can rely on; a reason why most strive to build customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

In any business set up, a customer is the most important asset that any business can rely on; a reason why most strive to build customer loyalty and satisfaction.Customers can have different levels in an organisation which normally ranges from the most active/ frequent customers, casual to first-timers in your business.All these are customers but what is most important factor is how best you maintain them around. Experts say that most businesses find it more costly to keep customer satisfaction than attracting them.This means that there is always a negative impact created by losing a customer even if that sole one is one in a million.So, how can you maintain your customers?In the first instance, you need to know what attracts them to your product or service, monitor their reactions and preferences on a daily basis. Let them also provide you with feedback about your business to openly offering them a channel for their opinions about the negative side of your business.Secondly, you need to know how to communicate with them. Always ensure that you communicate any changes about your product or service or problems that may arise if this is not communicated to them in time.This helps you to clear the air and avoid speculation or sending the wrong information to your customers. Whether it is an issue supposed to be kept internal as you seek a solution, offer assurance to your customers.Most businesses disregard issues mostly raised by an individual forgetting that he represents others who may have encountered something similar. How you handle such matters a lot.Ensure that that your customer relations staff understands what they should communicate to your customers and ensure that the message is uniform. Otherwise, you stand the risk of offering confusing messages that would make your clientele lose confidence in your business.It is important to note is that you need to always try as much as possible to solve problems according to customer interests and not generalise this. It is worth noting that one customer’s interests may deviate from another despite the product being the same.