Open letter to the Minister of Sports

Dear Sir, the Minister of Sports and Culture, I wish to forward my application for the job of Sports Development Consultant since our parliament has never instituted an RDB style sports board.

Sunday, October 21, 2012
Daniel R. Kasule

Dear Sir, the Minister of Sports and Culture, I wish to forward my application for the job of Sports Development Consultant since our parliament has never instituted an RDB style sports board.Though I wasn’t convinced on the merger of several government institutions into Rwanda Development broad, a national sports council (Ok we can go with Board) is one of the initiatives that I have to propose to you.      I feel I have the capacity and required qualifications for the position I’m proposing. With your approval I can take Rwandan sports to another level and I understand what such a position entails.  For starters, my qualifications include being an adult of sound mind and a youth at that. Before your docket was trimmed, among your responsibilities was the youth and on numerous occasions you called on the youth to be creative and innovative. So it’s due to those calls that I put myself forward.I am very passionate when it comes to sports development in Rwanda and I’m aware of the urgent need to hit this achievement that will in one way help sell the image of our country, other than just gorillas.Imagine if the team that featured at 2004 African Cup of Nations made it to the European leagues or at least,  Asia or the MLS. Together with the gorillas, several tourists would touch down at Kanombe to see where their clubs’ stars come from.It’s a no secret that thousands of tourists track to Rosario, Argentina (Lionel Messi’s birth place). The town has been a local economy cash cow. Being fairly learned and fairly exposed, thanks to the history I’m sure you are aware of, I am capable of coming up with a sustainably sports development strategy.In this era, I don’t get in touch with people who matter physically.  With just a click, I can seek advice from global sports opinion leaders. On a personal note, I disclose that one of my Facebook friends is England’s football team captain Steve Gerard, together with other sports icons from basketball, tennis and boxing, among others.    For years I observed sports development in several countries in the region and I believe that the knowledge I have amassed can help in setting up proper sports development progammes.Honourable Minister, once appointed to the new position, I intend to revive all my contacts in the region.As you may be aware, my namesake, Mujib Kasule (no relationship) has helped nurture Rwanda’s talent. Do the names Andrew Buteera and Charles Tibingana ring a bell? Here, I will promote the spirit of integration and address challenges with local solutions.To promote sports across the board, I will recruit foreign coaches who will, in turn, pass on their knowledge to locals.Hold your horses, the national treasury might not have to spend a penny; through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you can just pay a courtesy call to our friend the Chinese Ambassador and spell out our needs.Another great country we need in this cause is Cuba.Hon. Minister, take it from me, Cuba is a great amateur sports nation. Boxing, athletics, volleyball, and handball are just a few of the many things they have done. The Cubans will feel at home if we entertain them at Pasadena (Kwa Virigile) with Salsa.    With cricket we can engage our friends in the UK’s Conservative Partys Project Umubano, and let’s not forget that Brain Lara promised us support.  Under my plan for sports in this country, you will have to court the Ministry of Education to make it mandatory for every school to have a field that can be used for outdoor sports.Our Chinese friends would come in handy by providing the necessary infrastructure for at least three public schools in each district.      In conclusion Hon. Minister, my plan will encourage sports competitions in schools, public institutions mainly the Military, Police correctional services, and local government.Hoping that my request will receive your appropriate consideration, I remain yours sincerely.